WE are a small company with Swiss sponsorship and a social cooperative under Italian law
WE offer living and workplaces for people in difficulty
WE maintain a guest house for holidays, relaxation and sabbaticals
WE promote community between people of different national and social origins. The relationship between Jews / Israel and Christians is particularly important to us
WE live our Christian faith as an offer from Jesus Christ to be reconciled with God, our fellow human beings and ourselves
After the death of Maria Meier-Kirsch (leader and co-founder of the Comunità Brezzano) in February 2022, the board of the supporting association is actively working to ensure that the Comunità will continue to exist and is helping to build the new structure of the living community.
Boris Michin is currently the only member of the Comunità living in Brezzano. He is especially interested in Israeli people who can come out of the hustle and bustle and into the peace and tranquility of God.
Due to lack of capacity, we cannot offer stays with care until further notice. We ask for your understanding.